A Leading Processing Plant in Washington

Automating Quality Control & Inspection To Avoid Quality Deviations 



The existing solution was outdated and basically used paper-based forms and later spreadsheets to enter data for inspections. These manual compliance processes made audits difficult and caused quality deviations and delays.


The client needed an automated quality and compliance solution to save time, improve food safety and quality, minimize errors and reduce the workload. Manual processes were slowing down the processes.


The solution helped automate audits and inspections and facilitated the client in tracking the processes and activities. It helped the management get total visibility over the processes in the fields so that they could take faster data-driven decisions.


The Processing Plant

It is a state-of-the-art beef processing plant in Washington and is known for prioritizing the health and welfare of the cattle at its plant. With more than 24 food safety interventions and 11 on-site USDA employees, they take numerous measures to ensure safety as well as premium quality.

Understanding the Challenge

Manual Quality & Compliance Processes Causing Delays and Quality Deviations

The existing system being used consisted mainly of spreadsheets, with some sampling and testing of data. It was outdated and did not work the way they wanted it to work. Moreover, the inspection results were mostly noted on paper-based forms, while only some were entered directly into the system.

  • There was no real-time data check, so the management didn’t know what is going on until the paper-based forms are submitted at the end of the day.
  • They could not take proactive decisions because they only got to know about quality deviations after they had occurred.
  • Audits are difficult because it took a long time to look through papers for the right documents.
  • It was hard to keep up with changes in USDA regulations with paper-based forms because each change took a long while to implement and the forms have to be reprinted and redistributed all over again.

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Why is Digital Transformation

Successful meat producers and processors in the 21st century need to be extremely productive, efficient, and resilient if they are to stand the test of digital, the data driven, revolution in the sector. It plays a pivotal role in driving optimum outcomes by controlling and managing data across the value chain.

Enhanced Efficiency

Digital transformation facilitates the automation of workflow processes that help optimize internal workflows in an organization.


Streamlined Data Management

With the use of automated data management tools KPIs can be tracked effectively for proactive decision making.


Cost Optimization

The use of modern technological tools help optimize cost by prioritizing and optimizing operational process of a company.

productivity icon

Increased Productivity

Digital transformation helps increase employee engagement by forming a collaborative work environment.

Building the Solution

Digitally Transforming Business Workflows with a Quality Management Software

The solution helped the client track their inspection and audit activities and facilitated them in automating the business workflows and streamlining operations. It helped the manager get a 360-degree view of what was going on in the field so that he could be proactive in taking decisions. This led to fewer quality deviations as well as recalls because the manager could accept or reject the task in real-time without having to wait for the workers to return.

Our Approach

  • Understanding The User Journey

    We went through a digital discovery process to understand the issues the client was facing and what they wanted to achieve with the solution. We went deep into the details and tried to address the root cause in order to come up with the perfect solution.
  • Building Wireframes & Designs

    After understanding the workflow and creating user personas, we went on build wireframes, and later designs, for the solution we were proposing. We then ran the designs past the client and go them approved before building a prototype and starting development.
  • Development

    This was when our team of developers got to work to develop a modular solution. Other than the server components for data management, the team went on to build an administrative module for user management as well as work order management, and a QA module to manage their daily quality control tasks.
  • Deployment, Testing & Training

    We helped deploy the solution after integrating it with the backend and then offered training to the client so they could understand the new solution and gain from it in the best possible way.

The Solution

1- Administrative Module
A web-based application for the administration and management: This module will allow them to manage and
oversee everything happening in the fields from within their offices via an admin dashboard.
User Management

Work Order Management

The solution allows the management to create, view, and search for programs and work orders. It allows them to approve and reject task submissions, and automate corrective actions.

User Management

User Management

It enables the management to add, edit, activate, and also deactivate users. It also makes it easy to associate users with the divisions that pertain to them.

Work Order History

Work Order History

The solution allows the management to keep and maintain a history of all the work orders so that it is easier to search for particular tasks done in case of audits.



The solution leverages Power BI, which is integrated within the administrative module, to generate reports and trend analysis, for instance, the Work Order report, the Trend report, and the QA Technician report.

2- Quality Assurance Module

This module will allow the Quality Assurance technicians to perform their day-to-day tasks and duties.



They show the QA technicians their tasks for the day, along with notifications and updates for different assignments.


Task Management

The solution lets the QA team see their work orders and tasks. It lets them enter data for each task and lets them edit their submissions for a configured period.


The Resulting Transformation

Streamlining Quality Assurance Management

The solution helped turn the situation around for the client and gave them exactly what they needed in the form of an automated quality, control, and management solution. It helped them streamline their quality management and improved overall business effectiveness. Electronic reporting helped make audits much easier and faster and there no longer had to be any delays because the USDA officials could access the application with their own accounts. The solution helped add value to the client’s business in the following ways:
More than 65% of the workflows and more than one hundred forms were digitized which reduced the load on the workers.
Productivity, as well as the quality of work, was improved as the tasks were digitized and the chances of errors are reduced at all levels.
Data errors made due to human negligence were minimized because most repetitive tasks were automated and the check and balance is maintained by having real time data.
The management can now automate corrective actions, which minimizes the time taken to amend quality deviations and other such situations.
The management can also leverage preventive maintenance which also improves quality management and reduces the number of recalls.

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Who We Have Worked With

Boehringer Ingelheim
Agri Beef
cactus feeders logo
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    Our Expertise

    20+ years in the AgTech Industry

    600+ projects completed worldwide

    A quality management system compliant with ISO 9001, ISO 27001 & 27701

    Microsoft Partners: Gold Partner, Silver Partner

    NetSuite Alliance Partner, NetSuite Success Partner, NetSuite Commerce Partner