For many nations, agriculture plays a significant role in their economies. It contributes significantly to the welfare of society as a whole, from farmers who produce food to processors and distributors of all kinds.
Each year, thousands of agriculture startups are created; these up-and-coming businesses have the potential to change the agriculture sector. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the best agriculture tech firms have gradually made their way into the sector, providing chances and solutions for top agriculture technology service companies with various focuses.
We’ve decided to dig deep and compile a list of some of the most rapidly expanding agriculture technology companies that have access to top-tier venture capital funding.
1. Cattler
- Funding: $800K has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 2 investors
Cattler is a desktop and mobile software platform that enables cattle farmers to manage all of their operations in one location.
They started on this journey in Saratoga, California, in 2019 by creating an automated cattle management system and a working prototype for an image-based animal weight prediction. The administration of many livestock operations is complicated by the fact that data in the cattle sector is relatively hard to acquire, devices are often isolated, and information flow is fragmented. They decided to concentrate on the efforts of resolving that lack of integration because it had so huge potential for development at that point.
2. One Health Group (Voyce)
- Funding: $1.5M has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 2 investors
One Health Group aspires to transform the lives of companion animals by digitizing their healthcare through innovative technological advances.
Voyce is a new agriculture startup that is solely focused on companion pet wearable. These are equipped with unique and up-to-date health diagnostic sensors, extensive remote monitoring capabilities and advanced analytics that provide seamless delivery.
3. EIO Diagnostics
- Funding: $1.9M has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 7 investors
In Austin, Texas, in the US, EIO Diagnostics was established in 2017. Here, the business develops health management systems for dairy cows. The company’s hyper-spectral imaging technique aids in the early detection of illnesses.
By automating the screening procedure, the udder health technology from EIO Diagnostics revolutionizes how farmers track and identify mastitis. To assist farmers in enhancing the health of their animals, they use computer vision and infrared image analysis. They may evaluate each cow’s udder individually by placing a single sensor at the rotary’s entrance. This is precisely why we love these agtech startups.
- Funding: $85M has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 2 investors
In May 2021, Australia saw the release of the Ceres Tag following five years of research.
The shocking nature of what they do is precisely why this is one of our best agriculture tech firms. With direct satellite connectivity enabled by a unique smart ear tag, Ceres Tag is the first animal monitoring information platform in the world. The tags don’t need batteries to operate for the whole of the animal’s life, and the system is currently working to meet NLIS (National Livestock Identification System) tag specifications.
- Funding: $2.5M has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 11 investors
Digitail is the one-for-all cloud platform that simplifies a patient’s journey by allowing doctors of all scopes to run their entire practice with one single tool that promises a modern experience.
This tool not only makes practice easier but also saves time. It enhances patient engagement, streamlines all processes, and makes room for further growth.
6. Breedr
- Funding: $6.1M raised to date
- Number of Investors: 10 investors
Breedr is a clever agriculture startup that provides an advanced precision livestock network for farmers who look forward to funding animals that are more efficient and profitable. It also provides a mobile phone app that streamlines all practices on the farm, reducing paperwork and carbon output (by 28%).
7. Faromatics
- Funding: $711K has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 2 investors
In June 2016, the Spanish company Farm Automation and Robotics SL (Faromatics) was established.
ChickenBoy, the first robot suspended from a ceiling and used to monitor broiler chicks, was developed by Faromatics, a Precision Livestock Farming firm, to help farmers improve both farm efficiency and animal welfare. A full complement of sensors is used by ChickenBoy to monitor temperature, air quality, light, and sound. It also uses AI to identify problems with farm machinery and the welfare and health of the population.
- Funding: $10M has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 11 investors
SwineTech was established in Iowa in 2015 to empower farmers to give each swine used for food production high-quality, tailored care.
Producers may deploy, monitor, and make changes to on-farm procedures at any time and from any location, thanks to the intelligent workforce and swine management platform. With PigFlow, everyone is aware of their position and the appropriate response.
9. Farmspeak
- Funding: $100K has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 2 investors
In Nigeria, Farmspeak was founded in 2019. Monitoring of poultry farms is made possible by the Nigerian business Farmspeak Technology. The startup’s Smart PENKEEP device uses a sensor to wirelessly relay microclimate data to a cloud server from the poultry farm, including temperature, humidity, and air quality. The startup’s web app allows farmers to remotely monitor and alter these environmental elements by interacting with the device data.
Additionally, they get SMS and email alerts anytime the farms’ microclimate conditions fall short of ideal standards. Another software created by Farmspeak Technology is called Manager, which enables farmers to track profitability, prevent waste, manage staff and budgets, and record activities like pest and disease outbreaks.
10. Mootral
- Funding: $3 Million has been raised to date.
- Number of Investors: 4 investors
In 2018, Mootral was established in Abertillery, England.
The agriculture startup Mootral wants to make raising cows a more environmentally friendly activity. Their key feed innovation, Mootral Ruminant, is a livestock feed additive that lowers greenhouse gas emissions from cattle (like methane). One company at a time, this one is working to reduce methane emissions.
11. Agriledger
- Funding: $380K has been raised to date.
- Number of Investors: 2 investors.
- Agriledger was founded in London, United Kingdom, in 2016.
Agriledger is attempting to take on the supply-chain level of the agriculture technology businesses. Their ultimate objective is to use technology to improve agriculture, and they accomplish this through open reporting. Everyone has access to their database, including stockholders and the farmers themselves, so in the event of a recall, all parties can identify the specific point when something went wrong to prevent it from happening again.
12. Augmenta
- Funding: $11.2 million has been raised to date.
- Number of Investors: 5 investors.
- In 2016, Augmenta opened its doors in Athens, Greece.
The goal of this agtech startup Augmenta is to accurately fertilize all types of farmland. To regulate how much time and fertilizer crops should receive, their “Field Analyzer” technology connects to field machinery. The user-friendly dashboard of Augmenta allows farmers to monitor development on their mobile devices.
13. Agricycle Global
- Funding: $ 4.3 million has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 7 investors
- Agricycle Global was established in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 2019
The goal of Agricycle is to end extreme poverty worldwide. They accomplish this by utilizing a strong, member-driven value chain. This agricultural firm is putting money into the hands of the people they aim to help directly through the use of technologies like food dehydrators and member benefits programs.
14. Toopi Organics
- Funding: $ 5.6 million has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 7 investors
- In 2019, Toopi Organics was established in France
Agriculture startups, Toopi Organics use current resources to build a more sustainable economy. The French company produces a chemical-free fertilizer option for farmers worldwide by recycling and enriching human waste, mainly urine.
15. Big Wheelbarrow
- Funding: $500k has been raised to date
- Number of Investors: 5 investors
- Big Wheelbarrow was established in Austin, Texas, in 2016
By putting large retailers in touch with nearby farms, Big Wheelbarrow hopes to assist them in lowering their carbon footprints. This Texas-based farm company employs a cutting-edge software system to automate the supply chain and deliver goods to customers more effectively, reducing both time and pollution.
Making farming and food production simpler, more effective, and more ecologically friendly is a goal shared by all of the agriculture startups on the list.
Q1. What are Agriculture startups?
Farming inputs like seeds, fertilizer, insecticides, and other tools and equipment are available to farmers. Additionally, they offer financial assistance and consulting to farmers in the form of loans, jobs, weather reports, satellite imagery solutions, etc.
Q2. What are new ideas on agriculture?
Smart agricultural equipment, Packaging, handling of water, and environmentally friendly plant-based products
Q3. Which type of agriculture is most profitable?
Garlic Farming, Lavender Farming, and Bamboo Farming