Vytelle Sense

Building a Data Analytics Solution to Optimize Feed Efficiency and Profitability for the clients



Vytelle customers had a legacy desktop based app that was complex and resulted in low adoption rates, making procedures slow and cumbersome.


Vytelle was looking to move its data-interaction with its customers to a responsive web app that helps them share reports and trial data by increasing system adoption rate and eliminating manual procedures.


A responsive web app developed seamless data sharing and communication network among vytelle and its customers, making its clients more responsive and informed.



Vytelle Sense

A precision genetic livestock solutions company, Vytelle has been serving cattle producers and feedlots in 34 countries across the world. Its product Vytelle Sense is a data capture system for livestock that records feed intake as well as weight gain measurements to be able to identify ideal feed-weight ratios and trends.

Understanding the Challenge

Legacy Systems Hampering Efficiency

Since Vytelle Sense systems used legacy on-site desktop computers, the client’s customers were accessing and communicating trial specific and other information via different mediums. This caused several operational issues for the client and its customers that are seed stocks, feedlots operators, and research institutions.

  • The client’s customers take too long to respond to queries: It was time-consuming for the customers to juggle phone calls, notes, and emails. They didn’t get to know about action items right away, which also caused delays.
  • The customers sometimes took nearly 30 days to submit trial-specific data: This is because it was difficult to maintain multiple data sources such as emails, the database, and data extraction tools.
  • The client found it difficult to track customers, and identify missed days. They often had to log in to the customers’ accounts to enter trial notes: Customers hardly used the legacy system because they found it difficult and time-consuming to manually submit data regularly via spreadsheets.
Here are some challenges specific to the client’s customers:
  • Customers did not get an instant notification when there was a documented abnormality in the animal’s behaviour, weight gain, or water intake.
  • Research customers did not have access to the data they need, such as position-specific data for the animals.

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Why is Digital Transformation

Successful meat producers and processors in the 21st century need to be extremely productive, efficient, and resilient if they are to stand the test of digital, the data driven, revolution in the sector. It plays a pivotal role in driving optimum outcomes by controlling and managing data across the value chain.

Enhanced Efficiency

Digital transformation facilitates the automation of workflow processes that help optimize internal workflows in an organization.


Streamlined Data Management

With the use of automated data management tools KPIs can be tracked effectively for proactive decision making.


Cost Optimization

The use of modern technological tools help optimize cost by prioritizing and optimizing operational process of a company.

productivity icon

Increased Productivity

Digital transformation helps increase employee engagement by forming a collaborative work environment.

Building the Solution

Enabling Real-Time Data Capture & Access Through Any Smart Device

The solution enabled the client to offer convenience to its customers in the form of an integrated web application. Our solution helped the client close the gaps they were facing in communicating with their customers and also helped them track the performance of animals in every feedlot, in real-time.

Our Approach

  • Understanding The User Journey

    After identifying the pain points and challenges faced by the client, we created user personas and delved deeper into the problems address the root causes of the problem.
  • Building Wireframes & Designs

    We then used user-centric design and the lean startup method to build wireframes and approved designs for the web application with a simple and user-friendly Interface.
  • Development

    Our front-end developers then incorporated the wireframes and design into a responsive web application for the client and then integrated it with the backend.
  • Deployment, Testing & Training

    After integrating the solution with the client’s smart hardware such as the pen and the fee intake node, we implemented the solution and offered basic training to the clients so they could further take it forward with their customers and train them as well.

The Solution


Animal Enrollment & Management

The customers can add and manage their animals and details including the EID tag, pen, gender, breed, weight, etc. in the system. This initial adding the animals ensures automatic updating the feed and weight every time.


Pen Management

Enables customers to add and manage their pens and leverage all the automatically updated data. It gives the customers a comprehensive view of their animals on the basis of the pens.



Enables the Beef Genetics program customers to participate in feed efficiency trials with complete trial checklists so that they can get accurate reports about how their animals performed and drive data-driven production.


Action Items & Animal Flagging

The application alert the client’s users whenever an action needed to be performed. It notifies the customer when there is a health alert for an animal or something is out of the ordinary by flagging the animal.


User Management

The solution enables the client to designate user roles and assign relevant permissions. It’s customers no longer have to communicate via emails and phone calls. They can simply capture and access data within the application.


Site Management

The client can now create, update and delete sites according to the need and preference. It can track details without having to log into the customer’s account.


Comprehensive Analytical Dashboard

The client can easily access all the information about the customer’s animals including automated feed and weight analyses inside a single comprehensive dashboard. The client’s customers also avail important actionable insights from the dashboard.



All reports are integrated with PowerBI/Tableau and are accessible in real-time to everyone. This helps the customers of vytelle in identifying problematic pens and high-performing animals.


The Resulting Transformation

Optimizing Feed Efficiency & Profitability

The solution helped the client to share data that can help maximize feed efficiency and leverage that to make optimal breeding decisions for feedlots, seedstocks, and research academia. It added value to the client’s business in the following ways:
The client could offer better customer service to its customers and act as the voice of the customer in the product development process.
Seedstock and feedlot owners could now identify and produce more efficient, high-performing yet low RFI seedstock, which led them to produce more food with fewer resources and at a lower cost.
The client could now track its customers in real-time and the users have full-time access to actionable insights.
Researchers are able to conduct advanced research to facilitate the beef industry to maximize efficiency as well as profitability while ensuring sustainability at the same time.
Enabled the users to predict the feed efficiency of cattle progeny from the mating options available. The client’s customers could optimize nutritional decisions and even forecast weight for herds of cattle

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Who We Have Worked With

Boehringer Ingelheim
Agri Beef
cactus feeders logo
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